Mission Statement
“The North American South Devon Association promotes the superior quality characteristics of the South Devon breed with integrity, forethought and leadership for a prospering livestock industry satisfying consumer demand.”
NASDA Purposes and Objectives
- The purpose of this Association is to foster the development and promotion of the South Devon breed of cattle.
- This Association is open to all persons interested in, or breeders of, South Devon purebreds or crossbreds, and who desire a uniform system of evaluation and certification.
- The first objective is to maintain registration records of cattle of South Devon breeding. In addition to information on ownership, identification and ancestry, the registration record shall include such performance data on traits of economic importance as are required under the Rules & Regulations.
- The second objective is to provide, maintain and publish a Herd Book in which the prescribed information will be recorded. This may include provisions for uniform data processing, analysis and certification of cattle records for the breeders. There shall also be provided, maintained and published, as a part of the Herd Book, a separate register whose purpose will be the listing of only those animals derived from originally imported full blood stock from England and their offspring and animals of 31/32 blood or higher.
- The third objective is to make periodic analysis of this data as a national sire summary and publish them for the guidance of the breeders and promotion of the breed.
- The fourth objective is to prepare and dispense printed materials and to provide other support and services as deemed necessary and useful for the development and promotion of the breed.
Classification of Members
Active members shall be interested persons who have paid the prescribed membership fee, applied and been accepted for membership according to the following classifications:
- Founding Members shall be the first one hundred (100) individuals who apply and are accepted for Founding Membership. They shall be voting members and are entitled to all rights and privileges of the Association.
- Active Members shall be those individuals, partnerships, or corporations who apply and are accepted for Active Membership. They shall be voting members entitled to all rights and privileges of the Association as long as they remain in good standing. The membership of a deceased member will apply to his estate for one (1) year after his death.
- Associate Members shall be individuals, partnerships, or corporations who apply and are accepted for Associate Membership. They are given all of the rights and benefits of a NASDA Active Membership other than the right to vote and right to register or transfer cattle at member rates.
- Junior Members shall be those individuals under twenty-one (21) years of age who are not entitled to vote or hold office, but otherwise have all rights and privileges of the Association and shall become Active Members automatically on the January 15th following their twenty-first (21st) birthday upon payment of the annual Active Membership dues for that year. Junior Members must submit evidence of age and birth date.
- Honorary Institutional Members may be awarded by the NASDA Board of Directors approval to school FFA or university programs that maintain registered cattle herds in their program where there is a need to register and transfer cattle. Such honorary memberships are not required to pay initiation fees or yearly dues. They may register and transfer cattle at Active Member rates but have no vote in NASDA activities.
- Inactive Members shall be Active Members who have not paid prescribed annual dues.
Application for Membership
Includes General Rules and Regulations for Membership Apply on-line! If paying buy credit card, you can use our secure online application form. You may also print the form and send it with your payment to the address on the form.
Information Request
North American South Devon Association
Box 850
Big Horn, WY, 82833
Phone: (303) 770-3130
Fax: (303) 770-9302
If you'd like more information about the North American South Devon Association, please send us - using the above E-mail or mailing address - the following information about yourself:
- Full name
- Business name and/or school affiliation
- E-mail address
- Mailing address
- And your home, work, and fax phone numbers
Also, please specify if you'd like us to send you any or all of the following:
- Sire Summary
- Membership Directory
- Informational Brochures
- Newsletter